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Engage and learn about ethical leadership with Globethics

Paru le 10 juin 2024
Fadi Daou Director of Globethics
Dr. Fadi Daou Director of Globethics

Ethical leadership is a new and important discipline. GBNews had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Fadi Daou, the Director of Globethics, to learn more about how Globethics is promoting ethical leadership around the world.

About Dr. Fadi Daou: Dr. Fadi Daou is the Executive Director of Globethics, fostering ethical leadership through higher education and global engagement.  Professor Fadi Daou is Laureate of the Elevate Prize 2020 for Global thinkers and change-makers. He is a Policy advisor and Professor in geopolitics of religions, inclusive development, and peace. He leads the engagement of Globethics in ethics of AI and emerging technologies.

In an era fraught with uncertainty, ethics can be compared to a lighthouse whose light guides vessels to safe harbour in a stormy sea. Ethical leadership becomes the sign of hope, in navigating the way .

GBNews: Dr. Daou, could you tell us about the vision and the missions of Globethics ?

In Globethics we believe that the world needs ethical leaders. It is essential for true inclusivity, justice, and sustainability. We think many global issues—wars, conflicts, and sustainability challenges—stem from a lack of ethical leadership.  We need ethical leaders to take the right decisions to help making our world more sustainable and more inclusive.

Therefore, our focus is on both levels: empowering the next generation of leaders and holding current leaders accountable. Our mission is to build the capacity of both emerging and existing leaders, equipping them with the resources to make decisions that foster good governance and a better world.

At a practical level, we help address ethical dilemmas by focusing on advancing knowledge. Take artificial intelligence, for example. AI raises profound ethical concerns, as its misuse could pose serious threats to humanity. Our approach involves convening experts and stakeholders to collaboratively explore the ethical dimensions of AI.

Higher Education for Global Citizenship - Globethics
General Assembly and Seminar on Higher Education for Global Citizenship

Our first role is to bring people together to think collaboratively, and the outcome of their discussions becomes a valuable resource, openly shared. For instance, we have an online academy where we take the insights generated by experts and convert them into books, reports, or courses.

We also focus on other topics like sustainability, environmental justice, peace, conflict resolution, and reconciliation.

We bring these topics to the university level, engaging higher education institutions worldwide. We support a large network of over 300 partner universities across the globe.

Another area of our focus is at the policy level. We engage with current leaders and individuals in positions of responsibility, helping them adopt responsible roles and attitudes towards global challenges.

Inter-Parliamentary Union Globethics
Inter-Parliamentary Union in Morocco

Let’s take peace, as an example. Unfortunately, we are witnessing an increasing number of conflicts worldwide, such as those  in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Congo, and many other places.

Our role is not to resolve international conflicts directly, but rather to convene and invite influential leaders to consider how they can contribute to ending these conflicts. We facilitate discussions on the positions they can take and the discourse they can adopt to help bring about peace. This approach is what we refer to as policy dialogue.

GBNews: Could you elaborate on the most significant achievements undertaken by Globethics ?

One achievement that I'm particularly proud of is that, just a few weeks ago, we surpassed 3.5 million downloads of our publications. This milestone means that more than 3.5 million people worldwide have increased their knowledge and influence on ethical issues.

These downloads happen through our online library, which is not only one of the largest libraries on ethics in the world but is also completely free.

I am also proud that in the year of the 20th Anniversary of the organisation, we launched two new important initiatives, fostering youth leadership in research and practice. Firstly, The Globethics Doctoral School which is an international program for PhD students worldwide. Each year, the top 20 applicants are selected to participate in a two-week intensive ethics training. Participants will benefit from interactions with experts and peers from around the globe, enriching their academic and ethical understanding. Secondly, The Youth Leadership Award to recognize and support young ethical leaders making significant impacts. The award seeks out young individuals who demonstrate strong ethical leadership and are spearheading impactful initiatives.

GBNews: ..and also you have a publishing-house and an Academy?

From day one, 20 years ago, Globethics established an open access publishing house. Initially, it was focused on helping individuals in the Global South to share their ideas with the world. Now, it fosters global knowledge exchange. Globethics has published over 300 books and produces the 'Journal of Ethics and Higher Education' twice a year.

Moreover, we offer two types of courses through our online academy.

Executive Courses: Designed for senior professionals, such as university professors, from various disciplines, who want to integrate ethics into their teaching.

Student Courses: Available online through our academy or integrated into university curricula. For example, Atma Jaya University in Indonesia adopted our "Responsible Leadership" course, translated it into Bahasa Indonesia, and we trained 17 of their teachers to deliver it to their students.

GBNews: I see you are concentrated on four strategies ?

Launching the new Globethics Strategy 2023-2027

We call them thematic priorities: ethics and standards in higher education, environmental justice, digital and emerging technologies including AI, and inclusive peace and responsible governance. These priorities are integrated across our programs, which include courses and research initiatives.

We recently launched a partnership with a university in Latin America to lead international research on ethics and standards in higher education. Similarly, we're hosting a Leadership Summit in Geneva, focusing on the implications of AI in higher education.

GBNews: Can you tell us more about your collaboration with partners from 138 countries and your regional centers?

Collaboration is central to Globethics. Our team consists of about 25 people and 50 experts worldwide. Our impact is amplified by our vast network. Over 200,000 individuals from 138 countries and around 300 universities are part of our network. To support our global community effectively, we've established seven regional centers in the world, based in Indonesia, India, Kenya, South-Africa, Ghana, Tunisia, and Buenos Aires. These centers, along with our presence in Geneva and the United States, serve as hubs for outreach, collaboration, and engagement with partners across the globe.

GBNews : What are the significant challenges facing Globethics today?

One of the major challenges, not only for us but in general, is the growing polarization in the world. This hampers global progress and unity. To address this, we strive to build bridges between people and countries. Our goal is to prevent conflicts through proactive engagement and create opportunities for peace and stability.

Another challenge is the lack of representation for marginalized voices in major decisions. For example, the environmental and the global warming question. Decisions are often made by big governments and corporations, while those directly affected, like indigenous communities, are unheard. We work to bridge this gap by bringing these underrepresented voices to the platforms where decisions are made, ensuring inclusivity and attention to those suffering the most from these issues.

Dr. Fadi Daou with Christoph Stueckelberger
Dr. Fadi Daou with Christoph Stueckelberger - President and Founder of Globethics
GBNews: Could you tell us  about your future plans and where do you see Globethics in five or ten years?

In the next five years, as the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reach their conclusion in 2030, Globethics aims to play a significant role in shaping the future development agenda.

AI Ethics at Geneva Peace Week
Globethics hosted a multistakeholder panel on AI Ethics at Geneva Peace Week

Through our active presence at the UN and other global platforms, we strive to contribute in shaping more inclusive agendas. Our goal is not to gain recognition as a standalone organization but to achieve meaningful results through collective efforts.

We also aim to expand our influence through regional centers in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. These offices will address the unique needs and potential of these regions. Africa, despite its challenges, has abundant resources and a young, dynamic population. We believe Africa will be a  cornerstone of global progress in the coming decades. We are dedicated to empowering people in these regions to lead the way toward a brighter, more sustainable future.

GBNews: Very soon, in September, Globethics will hold a Global Ethics Forum 2024...

This will be a significant event held at the UN and the Maison de la Paix in Geneva, bringing together over 100 influential personalities from around the world. The theme is "Re-envisioning the Future," focusing on imagining a hopeful future amid widespread anxiety, particularly among the younger generation. We aim for this event to inspire hope and positive thinking about the future. We will also celebrate our organization's 20th anniversary, founded in 2004 in Geneva. Our partners from many countries will join us in this celebration.

We want this event to send a message of hope and demonstrate that by engaging in ethical leadership, we can shape a positive future.

Leadership Summit 2024
International Council for Open and Distance Education Leadership Summit 2024
GBNews: If there are some people who is interested by the mission of Globethics how they can be involved ?

There are many ways to get involved:

First, they can join Our Network and register for free on our website to become part of our constituency, receive regular updates, newsletters, and publications.

Second, is to participate in events: register for upcoming events, especially those in Geneva. Registration will open soon for the Global Ethics Forum 2024, offering a chance to meet and collaborate with global leaders.

Moreover, experts, teachers, and researchers can join our discussions, publish with us, teach at our academy, or take courses to build their knowledge.

Finally, those who can, may help growing our network and resources by introducing Globethics and its work to relevant partners and donors, or by directly supporting our work. We can’t dream for a better future, without investing in the values that ensure this outcome.

GBNews: What advice would you give to individuals or organization interested in promoting ethics in their work?

I firmly believe that there is no future without ethics! We jeopardize our future when we make unethical decisions, whether on a personal, societal, or global level. Therefore, we need the collective efforts of all individuals, organizations, political entities, and educational institutions to cultivate ethical leadership.

We are dedicated to supporting those who aspire to be ethical leaders by providing resources, support, and a platform for  sharing experiences. Let's grow this global community of ethical leaders, starting right here in Geneva. We are committed to facilitating this process by convening and engaging individuals interested in this mission.

I invite everyone to visit us, whether online or in person. Our doors will be open to anyone who wants to join this amazing adventure of ethical leadership.

Images: Globethics

Ekaterina Makeeva

I am a Digital Specialist with expertise in multimedia, focusing on creating educational content and interactive programs. In my roles across IT and marketing, I've developed resources aligned with educational standards, managed company websites, and utilized data analysis to enhance online engagement. Passionate about blending education, culture, and technology, I seek collaborations that drive innovation and impact.

Website : www.oualler.ch

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2 comments on “Engage and learn about ethical leadership with Globethics”

  1. It’s excellent work that highlights the importance of ethical leadership. I found it interesting to see how Dr. Daou and his team are committed to inclusivity, justice, and sustainability through education and global policies.

    Thank you Ekaterina for this informative and inspiring article.

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